Newcomers to SPC click flooring are beside themselves with the ease of upkeep needed to keep their foundations in great shape for the long run. Many people think a special cleaning solution must be needed for this type of foundation; however, they quickly learn the truth, that easy everyday solutions are usually right in their cabinet. It could not be simpler to keep SPC click flooring looking great for years, and that’s one of its most wonderful traits.
SPC click flooring, vinyl tile, or plank flooring is versatile and tough. While there are various types of wear layers on different materials, including shiny, matte, and textured, keeping it pristine is generally the same for each. You can keep that kitchen, bathroom, dining room, and other space looking tidy and elegant with very little time and expense. Those with large families, small children, pets, and frequent visitor are especially appreciative of these helpful benefits with SPC click flooring.
While we all know that SPC click floors are extremely durable, there are instances when nicks or scratches can occur if certain materials are allowed to build up on the surface. This includes rough dirt, sand, and pebbles. You want to keep these thing swept clean off of your SPC click floors if you see it. Make it a regular habit to sweep or vacuum the floors clean each day in high-traffic areas, and a couple of times a week in other, less busy spots. This way, you can feel assured that rough particles won’t scratch the wear layers of your flooring.
For fine dust, lint, and small particles, you can use a dry mop regularly. Pay special attention to corners and under furniture where it will tend to accumulate. Dry mops and dusters do a good job of picking up the dusty build-up efficiently.
When using a wet mop—which in general is only needed occasionally or if there’s been a spill on the floor—use water alone or with a gentle cleansing agent. You do not need a special ingredient for SPC click floors, and in fact it’s recommended that you stay away from the harsh chemicals in some intense hard-floor cleaning products on the market. Go with either basic surface cleaner, white vinegar, or a product specifically formulated for SPC click floors. Be sure to sweep, dry-mop, or vacuum before doing any all-over wet mopping.
Post time: Jun-14-2022